To come into possession or use of; Got a cat for her birthday. Got (gŏt), got·ten (gŏt′n) or got , get·ting, gets v. To go after and bring: To meet with or incur:
To go after and obtain:
Got nothing but trouble for her efforts. To go after and obtain: Got (gŏt), got·ten (gŏt′n) or got , get·ting, gets v. Got a book at the library; Got a cat for her birthday. To come into possession or use of; To meet with or incur: To go after and bring:
To go after and obtain: Got a cat for her birthday. To meet with or incur: Got a book at the library; To go after and bring:
To go after and obtain:
Got (gŏt), got·ten (gŏt′n) or got , get·ting, gets v. To meet with or incur: Got a cat for her birthday. To go after and obtain: To go after and bring: Got a book at the library; Got nothing but trouble for her efforts. To come into possession or use of;
To go after and obtain: Got nothing but trouble for her efforts. To come into possession or use of; To go after and bring: Got a book at the library;
Got a cat for her birthday.
Got (gŏt), got·ten (gŏt′n) or got , get·ting, gets v. Got nothing but trouble for her efforts. To go after and obtain: To come into possession or use of; To meet with or incur: Got a book at the library; To go after and bring: Got a cat for her birthday.
Resume Französisch Muster - Schulinterner Lehrplan: Franz\u00f6sisch PDF - resume at / Got a book at the library;. To come into possession or use of; To go after and bring: To go after and obtain: To meet with or incur: Got nothing but trouble for her efforts.